Updated Visitor Policy for Appling Healthcare


apple Healthcare的患者在住院期间保留家属和访客的权利. Appling Healthcare will not deny any patient this right based on diagnosis. Patients and visitors must comply with hospital policies as stated below.

这项政策的目的是为病人和家属提供充分的互动机会, provide emotional support and comfort to both, 并尽量减少白天对患者护理活动的重大干扰.

This policy applies to the Emergency Department, Medical-Surgical unit, Intensive Care Unit (ICU), Senior Care Unit (SCU), Outpatient and Rural Health Clinics.

  1. Visitors are not permitted to congregate in public areas, such as lobbies, waiting areas, nurse stations, or visit other patients or staff.
  2. 探访者在探访期间必须留在病人的房间,直到探访时间结束或探访者准备离开医院.
  3. 隔离患者可能需要限制探视,包括将每日探视人数限制在1人以内。.
  4. 探视隔离患者的人员将被要求在病房内穿戴所有必要的个人防护装备.
  5. Visitors will be educated on how to appropriately don and doff PPE.
  6. During times of contagious outbreaks visitors may be screened for symptoms, required to wear certain PPE, 如果不配合医院的政策和程序,可能会被拒绝进入.

Emergency Department

  • 一名成年访客或辅助人员可陪同患者在急诊科就诊.
  • Two parents may accompany a pediatric patient. 如果父母不在场,一名18岁以上的照顾者可以陪伴患者.
  • 一名健康的医疗决策者与无法就护理做出决定的成年患者.
  • Visitors under the age of 18 must be accompanied by an adult at all times.
  • 在紧急情况下或在病人的状况不可预见的变化,这些都可能在急诊主管护士或医生的自由裁量权的变化.

Medical-Surgical Unit

  • Visiting hours are from 8:00 am until 8:00pm, daily
  • Two healthy adult visitors will be permitted to visit.
  • 18岁以下的访客可以在主管护士的许可下参观,并且必须在任何时候由成人陪同.
  • 探视可能会受到限制,由于病人的状况和在主管护士或护士经理的自由裁量权.

Intensive Care Unit

  • 探访时间为每日上午10时至下午12时、下午2时至5时、晚上7时至8时
  • Two healthy adult visitors (age 18+) will be permitted to visit.
  • No visitor under the age of 18 shall be permitted
  • These are subject to change at the discretion of the Nurse Manager, ICU nurse, or physician depending on unforeseen patient care situations that may arise.

Senior Care Unit (Behavioral Health Unit)

  • 探访长者护理部的安排,由社工安排.

Provider Clinics/Outpatient Procedures

  • Two healthy parents or caregivers with a pediatric patient.
  • One healthy required medical decision-maker with adult patients.
  • 一名健康的照顾者,照顾那些在没有帮助的情况下无法行走或走动的病人.

Compassionate Care Exceptions

  • Some compassionate-care exceptions may be made on a case-by-case basis, with approval by the Unit Manager or Primary Care Physician.
  • Exceptions may be granted for extenuating circumstances, such as end-of-life care, however, the number of visitors shall be limited.

In all areas, 在流感或其他传染病爆发期间,探访可能会受到限制或探访时间可能会改变.

Find the official document NMRNURPG0037, revised 01/26/2024, here: Visitor Policy 2024